OUR JOURNEY Month after month we prayed for a blessing, and month after month we were met with disappointment. Where we had hoped for a new life growing inside me, […]
Memories of Thanksgiving Past
Two years ago on Thanksgiving marks my “rock bottom” of infertility. I had just suffered another miscarriage, from a pregnancy that so much time, energy and money had gone into. […]
I am part of a facebook group of women who are going through infertility. Recently, someone wrote a post asking for advice on how to have the strength to go […]
What Hurts The Most
Mother’s day is a hard day for me. My childhood home was a house where every day was Mother’s day (and our mother would remind us of that!). I lost […]
Infertility: A Path to Parenthood
I’m sitting cross legged on the floor with my childhood friend Robin; two pre-teens pinching each other, wondering Are we really here, or Is this a dream? How would we […]
The Infertility Prayer
I remember learning how the Imahot (the Matriarchs) struggled to have children, how Chana yearned for sons. Teacher after teacher would explain that Hashem gives us struggles because He wants […]