My name is Elizabeth. I’m 31. My husband and I have struggled with infertility for several years. I’m going to say “on and off” for several years, but even when we weren’t “trying” there was always the hope that I might get pregnant.
We have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility – no reason was discovered for my inability to get pregnant. After six failed IUI procedures, and IVF that ended in miscarriage at 3 weeks, we decided to take a break. We wanted our lives back. We were stressed out and exhausted from all aspects of treatment: injectable medications, waking up at 4am to drive 2 hours to our fertility clinic, and resulting disappointment with each failed pregnancy test, and the cost of treatments. It has been hard for us to go through this alone. And the hardest part is when family members ask, “When are you guys having a baby?” And yet there is no answer why because they don’t know how hard it has been for us: the struggle and the crying, the being emotional and not having support from others. It’s just the two of us supporting each other.
After our first IVF failed we decided to give us a break. During this break I decided to join infertility groups on Facebook and Instagram. The goal of the group was not to achieve pregnancy, but rather to regain a sense of control, to de-stress, to come together with other women and couples who were also struggling with infertility and talk about our experiences, learn coping techniques and have an emotional outlet. I was very angry and very sad our first IVF failed. I felt like my body, which was created to bear children, was defective; that I was defective. I felt guilty that I was letting my husband down. He didn’t make me feel guilty at all, I brought that on to myself. We have nieces and nephews that we love spending time with. To me its been hard to attend baby showers, gender reveals and other baby related events. My husband has been very supportive since day one of this journey. And I have learned to let go of anger, sadness and pain.
To anyone struggling with infertility: you are not alone, never lose HOPE❤ .With God Anything Is Possible. I’m not giving up. ONE DAY IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT.