Los Angeles Challah Bake
Thank you to all who joined us for the two incredible Pre-Rosh Hashana Challah bakes this year in Los Angeles!
One on September 19th in Valley Village at Shaarey Zedek Congregation and one on September 20th in West LA at OBKLA.
Yesh Tikva and Our Big Kitchen Los Angeles joined forces to host a special Pre Rosh Hashanah event where women from all walks of life gathered together in a beautiful setting to perform the mitzvah of making Challah together. It is said that when we do this particular mitzvah it’s an auspicious time to ask God for any blessings we are calling into our lives. So many women in our midst are facing fertility struggles and going through many challenges to create their families. Together we united and used our collective voice to ask for blessings for their journey on their behalf. There is power in numbers, we came together with the intention of doing good for others, and pray that the heavens opened and our prayers helped move mountains.
Proceeds from this event will help Yesh Tikva further its mission of supporting women in their fertility journey and help OBKLA feed families suffering from food insecurity.