Brikat Emunah: A Mikvah Resource,” is a resource created with the Eden Center, for women who are navigating infertility to help them find new meaning and comfort when going to the Mikvah. This resource can also be utilized outside the Mikvah when looking for strength and prayers to say.
This resource was created together with The Eden Center – מרכז עדן. The Eden Center was founded upon the firm belief that the mikveh is uniquely suited to act as a central source for women’s health, empowerment and education in the Jewish community. Yesh Tikva was established to end the silence and create a Jewish community of support for all Jewish people facing infertility. We are privileged to live in a generation in which once-taboo subject such as infertility is now being discussed openly and women are learning that they are not alone. We believe that the mikveh is a center of that change.
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