Mikvah Infertility Resources
Mikvah is a ritual bath used by Jewish women (and men) for purposes of ritual purity. There is a custom for women to immerse in the Mikvah waters 7 days after their period has ended. The mikvah waters also offer many a spiritual sense of renewal and connection, that can be tapped into at any time.
Many Jewish communities have at least one mikvah. Because it is a discreet place where each woman is by themselves, Yesh Tikva has partnered with mikvaot (plural for ‘mikvah’) to reach out to women who may be dealing with infertility but have not reached out to anyone for support. By placing cards in the mikvah, each woman can learn about Yesh Tikva in a private setting.
Yesh Tikva provides two different resources for each mikvah:`
Individual Mikvah Pad
Mikvah Poster
Thank you to our donors who sponsored the printing of the posters and cards.
Donated Anonymously in merit of all those facing primary and secondary infertility
If you would like to order a pad of Mikvah Cards, please fill out the below form: