Infertility Awareness Shabbat 2020
Fifth Annual Infertility Awareness (PRE)Shabbat
Thank you to all who joined us virtually to learn more about the emotional and physical toll of infertility and how we can HOLDSPACE for those in struggle. Together we showed those facing infertility that even as we physically social distance, we are still emotionally here to lend support!
Including 5 Minutes of Wisdom from Each these Experts
The Man in
each 1 in 8

The Situation

Intimacy and

The Couple
at the Core

My Family

at its Core



A Moment for

& Halakha

Passover is a holiday with a strong focus on children. The Torah charges us to “tell your children (Exodus 13:8)” of the great miracles of the Exodus. So much of what we do on Seder night is “so that the children will ask.” But what about those who have not yet been blessed with children?
And even as we face Passover in quarantine and physically socially distanced, let us not forget the 1 in 8 men and women throughout the Jewish community who are still facing the challenge of infertility this holiday. On Thursday Night, March 26, 2020 we asked EVERYONE to partner with Yesh Tikva to HOLD SPACE by joining our one hour live event from the comfort of their homes. The goal of this event was to increase sensitivity toward all who have not yet been blessed with children or struggle to expand their families.
This Passover let us all HOLD SPACE for family and friends and ensure that everyone feels loved, accepted and important.