Module Two – Diagnostics
You overcame your fear and are finished with the first consultation. You are now ready to get to the root of the problem. Before you can get any answers, you and your partner will undergo diagnostic tests. If you did not have blood work completed prior to your initial consultation, both partners will likely have it drawn the day of your first visit. Additional blood work for the female may be needed on day 2 or 3 of the next menstrual cycle.
For some these diagnostic tests will be painless and relatively easy, while for others they may be more difficult and cause some physical pain. These tests will begin to give you the answers that you have been looking for. You may do some or all of these depending on the answers that are found and additional ones that may still be needed.
It is normal to be both nervous and relieved.
Why is it important to check in with yourself?
Sometimes the whirlwind of life while balancing, family, friends, work, combined with fertility treatments prevents us from checking in and asking, “How am I doing in this moment?” We forget the most important person responsible for our well-being…ourselves. On an airplane, the cabin-crew instructs, in the case of an emergency place the masks on yourself before assisting others. It is imperative to focus on our own welfare, both physical and emotional, before we can extend care to others. Checking in with yourself allows time to process feelings during this difficult fertility journey. Put a sticky note on your desk, or set an alert reminding yourself to check in every day.
Try This: Put a sticky note on your desk, or set a daily alert on your phone reminding yourself to check in.
The coming sections will discuss the next phase of diagnostic tests. Keep in mind that your doctor may not prescribe all of these tests and if your doctor does they may not occur in this order.
We hope you find Module Two helpful and useful as you navigate the diagnostics process of your journey. Click “Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)” to begin the Second Module of this guide.