Post-Ejaculation Urinalysis
Post-ejaculation urinalysis is an examination of the urine after ejaculation.
This test is done by collecting a sample of the urine following ejaculation. After collecting the sample it is examined to identify if sperm is present.
What it diagnoses
Post ejaculation urinalysis can diagnose retrograde ejaculation. Retrograde ejaculation is when the semen flows backwards into the bladder, instead of flowing out through the urethra and penis, at the time of ejaculation.
Retrograde ejaculation is often diagnosed in men with diabetes who have nerve damage. The damaged nerves cause the sperm to flow backwards into the bladder. Retrograde ejaculation is also sometimes diagnosed in men after they have had operations in the bladder neck, prostate, or the stomach.
Signs of Retrograde Ejaculation
Signs of retrograde ejaculation may include cloudy urine after ejaculation and less fluid or a “dry” ejaculation.
When it’s recommended
The doctor will typically recommend post-ejaculation urinalysis when the sperm count is extremely low in the semen analysis.
Preparing for your appointment
One is asked to abstain from ejaculation for 2 to 7 days prior to testing.
All semen and urine testing will be scheduled ahead of time. The collection of the sperm and urine is usually completed at the physician’s office although nearby locations are acceptable as long as the semen specimen is kept at body temperature and arrives at the lab within 45 minutes of ejaculation.
If you will be consulting a Rabbinic/Halakhic Advisor about this process, keep in mind: There is more than one way to collect a semen sample. Speak with both your doctor and advisor to determine the best way to do so in your situation and discuss the practical, medical, and emotional implications.
For more information visit Specialists In Reproductive Medicine & Surgery.
©Mayo Foundation