Infertility Acronyms
We know that when navigating infertility you will come across many acronyms that are foreign to you. Don’t get overwhelmed. Here is a guide to help you through it all.
ACA | Anti-cardiolipin Antibody |
ACTH | Adrenal Corticotropic Hormone |
AF | Aunt Flo, After Flo, (Period, or Menstrual Cycle) |
AH | Assisted Hatching |
AI | Artificial/Assisted Insemination |
ANA | Anti-nuclear Antibodies |
APA | Anti-phospholipid Antibodies |
APTT | Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time |
ART | Assisted Reproductive Technology |
ASA | Anti-sperm Antibody |
ASRM | American Society of Reproductive Medicine |
BA | Baby Aspirin |
BBT | Basal Body Temperature |
BCP | Birth Control Pills |
BD | Baby Dance, a reference to having intercourse during your most fertile days |
Beta | Pregnancy test that measures HCG hormone levels |
BFN | Big Fat Negative (Pregnancy Test) |
BFP | Big Fat Positive (Pregnancy Test) |
BW | Bloodwork |
CASA | Computer-assisted Semen Analysis |
CB | Cycle Buddy, someone who either started the cycle, ovulated, or is planning to take a pregnancy test around the same time as you. |
CBAVD | Congenital Bilateral Absence of Vas Deferens |
CCCT, CCT | Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test (Clomid Challenge Test) |
CD | Cycle Day, a reference to the days of a treatment cycle or any menstrual cycle when trying to conceive |
CL | Cover Line, refers to a line drawn on a body basal temperature chart. Temperatures “above the cover line” occur after ovulation. |
CM | Cervical Mucus |
CMV | Cytomegalovirus |
CNM | Certified Nurse Midwife |
COH | Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation |
CP | Cervical Position |
CY# | Cycle Number, since TTC or since starting a treatment. |
CVS | Chorionic Villus Sampling |
D&C | Dilation & Curettage |
D&E | Dilation & Evacuation |
DE | Donor Eggs |
DES | Diethylstillbestrol |
DHEAS | Dihydroepiandrosterone |
DI | Donor Insemination, as you would have with IUI along with a sperm donor |
DIPI | Direct Intra-peritoneal Insemination |
DOR | Diminished Ovarian Reserve |
DPO | Days Post-Ovulation |
DPR | Days Post-Retrieval |
DPT | Days Post-Transfer |
DP3DT | Days Post 3-Day Transfer |
DP5DT | Days Post 5-Day Transfer |
E2 | Estradiol |
EB, EMBEDD | Endometrial BiopsyEstimated Due Date |
ENDO | Endometriosis |
EPT | Early Pregnancy Test |
ER | Egg Retrieval |
ET | Egg Transfer |
ETA | Embryo Toxicity Assay |
ETF | Embryo Toxicity Factor |
EWCM | Egg White Cervical Mucus, or the most fertile kind of cervical mucus |
FBG | Fasting Blood Glucose |
FE | Frozen Embryo |
FET | Frozen Embryo Transfer, referring to an IVF cycle using previously frozen embryos that have been thawed and then transferred |
FI | Fasting Insulin |
FF | Fertility Friend, |
FHR | Fetal Heart Rate |
FP | Follicular Phase |
FM | Fertility Mucus or Fertility Monitor |
FMU | : First Morning Urine |
Frostie | Frozen Embryo |
FSH | Follicle-Stimulating Hormone |
FTTA | Fertile Thoughts to All |
GD | Gestational Diabetes |
GI | Gastrointestinal |
GIFT | Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer |
GnRH | Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone |
GP | General Practitioner |
GS | Gestational Surrogate |
GTT | Glucose Tolerance Test |
hCG, HCG | Human Chorionic Gonadotropin |
hMG, HMG | Human Menopausal Gonadotropin |
HOM | Higher Order Multiples (a pregnancy with three or more babies) |
HPT | Home Pregnancy Test |
HRT | Hormone Replacement Therapy |
HSC | Hysteroscopy |
HSG | Hysterosalpingogram |
HX | History |
IBT | Immunobead Binding Test |
ICI | Intra-cervical Insemination |
ICSI | Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection |
IF or IFer | Infertility |
IGTT | Insulin and Glucose Tolerance Test |
INCIID | International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination |
IM | Intramuscular injections |
IOR | Immature Oocyte Retrieval |
IR | Insulin Resistant |
ITI | Intra-tubal Insemination |
IUGR | Intra-uterine Growth Restriction |
IUI | Intra-uterine Insemination |
IVC | Intra-vaginal Culture |
IVF/ET | In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer |
IVF/IVF-DE | In Vitro Fertilization/IVF with Donor Eggs |
IVIg | Intravenous Immunoglobulin |
LAD | Leukocyte Antibody Detection Assay |
LAP | Laparoscopy |
LH | Luteinizing Hormone |
LIT | Leukocyte Immunization Therapy |
LMP | Last Menstrual Period (start date) |
LP | Luteal-Phase |
LPD | Luteal-Phase Defect |
LSP | Low Sperm Count |
LUF, LUFS | Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome |
MAI | Miscarriage after Infertility |
M/C. | Miscarriage |
MESA | Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration |
MF | Male Factor |
NORIF | Non-stimulated Oocyte Retrieval In (office) Fertilization |
NSA | Non-Surgical Sperm Aspiration |
O, OV | Ovulation |
OC | Oral Contraceptives |
OD | Ovum Donor, Ovulatory Dysfunction |
OHSS | Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome |
OPK or OPT | Ovulation Predictor Kit or Test |
OTC | Over the Counter |
P4. Prog | Progesterone |
PAI-1 | Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 |
PAF | Pregnancy After Infertility |
PCO | Polycystic Ovaries |
PCOD | Polycystic Ovarian Disease |
PCOS | Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome |
PCP | Primary Care Physician |
PCT | Post Coital Test |
PESA | Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration |
PG | Pregnant |
PGD | Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis |
PI | Primary Infertility |
PID | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease |
PIO | Progesterone In Oil |
PLI | Paternal Leukocyte Immunization |
PMN | Perinatal Mortality |
PNV | Prenatal Vitamin |
POAS | Pee On A Stick (home pregnancy test) |
POC | Products of Conception |
POF | Premature Ovarian Failure |
POI | Primary Ovarian Insufficiency |
PROM | Premature Rupture of Membranes |
PZD | Partial Zona Dissection |
RE | Reproductive Endocrinologist |
R-hFSH | Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone |
RI | Reproductive Immunologist |
RIP | Reproductive Immunophenotype |
RPL | Recurrent Pregnancy Loss |
RSM | Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion |
RX | Prescription |
SA | Semen Analysis |
SART | Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology |
SB | Stillborn |
SCORIF | Stimulated Cycle Oocyte Retrieval |
SHG, SonoHSG | Sonohysterogram |
SI | Secondary Infertility |
SM | Surrogate Mother |
SP | Sperm Count |
SPA | Sperm Penetration Assay |
SPALS | Subsequent Pregnancy After a Loss Support |
STD | Sexually Transmitted Disease |
STIMS | Stimulating Hormones (usually referring to injectable fertility drugs) |
SubQ | Subcutaneous Injection |
SUZI | Sub-zonal Insertion |
T1 | Type 1 Diabetic – Juvenile Diabetes |
T2 | Type 2 Diabetic – Insulin Resistant, Adult Onset |
T4 | Thyroxine (Thyroid Hormone) |
TEBG | Testosterone-Estradiol Binding Globulin |
TDI | Therapeutic Donor Insemination |
TESA | Testicular Sperm Aspiration |
TESE | Testicular Sperm Extraction |
TDI | Therapeutic Sperm Extraction |
TET | Tubal Embryo Transfer |
TL | Tubal Ligation |
TORCH | Toxoplasmosis, Other, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus & Herpes Test |
TR | Tubal Reversal |
TRH | Thyroid Releasing Hormone |
TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone |
TTC/TTCAR | Trying To Conceive/ Trying to Conceive After Reversal |
TWW/2WW | Two Week Wait |
TX | Treatment |
US | Ultrasound |
UTI | Urinary Tract Infection |
V | Vasectomy |
VR | Vasectomy Reversal |
WNL | Within Normal Limits |
ZIFT | Zygote Intra-fallopian Transfer |